cannot put one's mind at ease 意味
- <→CAN'T put one's mind at ease>
- cannot cannot 切れ無い 切れない きれない 兼ねる かねる
- put 1put n. (砲丸の)投げ. 【形容詞 名詞+】 the shot put 砲丸投げ. 【前置詞+】 a bronze
- mind 1mind n. (1) 心, 精神, 知性, 知力. 【動詞+】 His mind was absorbed in other matters.
- ease 1ease n. 安楽, 気楽, 安心; 容易, 自在. 【動詞+】 acquire ease in translating from a
- one's mind one's mind 胸中 きょうちゅう 方寸 ほうすん 意中 いちゅう 心の中 こころのうち 内心 ないしん 脳裏 脳裡 のうり
- at ease at ease ゆっくり 気楽 きらく
- cannot put someone's mind at ease immediately
- can't put one's mind at ease 一喜一憂{いっき いちゆう}する
- put someone's mind at ease (人)を安心[ホッと]させる、(人)の心を静める[安静にする] Put your mind at ease. 安心してください。 Counseling helped put [set] her mind at ease [rest]. カウンセリングは彼女を安心させるのに役立った。
- to ease one's mind 気休めに
- with one's mind at ease 安らかな気持ち{きもち}で、心配{しんぱい}なく
- with one's mind very much at ease 妙に安心してしまって
- can't put someone's mind at ease immediately (人)の心配{しんぱい}をすぐには取り除けない
- cannot get out of one's mind
- cannot make up one's mind